BSARD is affiliated with several organizations and networks at the state, national, and international levels. Having these affiliations helps our team (and others) with our ongoing training and accreditation efforts and also provides a framework for cross-team networking to help share information and resources.
We also have a number of formal and informal mutual aid arrangements with a variety of other SAR teams around the region. These arrangements give us the ability to better serve our respective communities by being able to expand our forces to cover larger and more complex Missing Person Incidents, provide resources to an incident when we (or another team) cannot respond for some reason, and allows us to bring in different disciplines, such as horse-mounted teams or ground search teams when the incident requires.
State, National, and International Organizations
BSARD, or its individual members, are members of one or more of the following international, national and regional Search and Rescue organizations:

The Ohio Federation of K9 Search and Rescue Teams is a non-profit corporation made up of dedicated, trained, unpaid professional search teams and individuals located throughout Ohio and some border states.

The National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) has existed since 1972. NASAR grew to represent all SAR volunteers and promotes the continued professionalism of volunteers through training, accreditation, and support to the volunteer SAR community.

The International Police Work Dog Association (IPWDA) is dedicated to maintaining the leadership and excellence of police K9 and K9 SAR through advanced training and accredited standards that are recognized around the world.
Mutual Aid
BSARD often trains and works hand-in-hand with other Search and Rescue organizations around the region. Our philosophy is one of mutual cooperation and respect, and we assist each other whenever the need arises. We are proud and happy to continue this practice whenever and wherever we can.
Some of the teams we have partnered with over the years include:
Organization | Based | Contact Info |
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Officers. | Columbus and around the state of Ohio. | 1-800-762-2437. |
Ohio Branch K9 Search Team | Trumbull County, near Cleveland, OH. | Trumbull County 911 or Mecca Fire Department at (330) 637-3436. |
Midwest K9 Search Unit. | Columbus, OH. | Emergency: 614-403-8619. Info: hideg59@yahoo.com. |
Ohio Search and Recovery Canines. | Wooster, OH. | Emergency: 330-466-8142. Info: deanahudgins@gmail.com. |
Ohio Search Dog Association. | Chagrin Falls, OH. | Emergency: 440-323-2127. Info: info@osdak9.org. |
South Western Ohio Search and Rescue. | Dayton, OH. | Emergency: 1-800-230-4401. Info: information@swosar.org. |
United K9 Search and Rescue | Dellroy (near Canton), OH. | Emergency: 330-340-8257. Info: ascok9sar@yahoo.com |
Search and Rescue Ohio (Ground SAR, Search Management) | Columbus, OH. | Emergency: 614-285-7223. Info: 614-636-2117 or use the “Contact Us” link on their web site. |