BSARD does not self-certify. This is because we believe an independent certification from a respected third-party accreditation organization helps demonstrate to a calling agency that a K9/Handler team (or a staff individual) has the skills necessary to perform the task at hand.
Good certifications test not only what you know, but actually require you to demonstrate how your team will approach and execute the required tasks to achieve success in a realistic search simulation.
Although there are currently no widely-accepted national certification standards for K9 SAR (the informal FEMA Canine Working Group is attempting to do so), there are many highly-qualified and respected national, international, and regional organizations that provide standards and testing.
BSARD has opted to use the protocols provided by the International Police Work Dog Association (IPWDA). This organization offers training and certifications in MANY different Law Enforcement and Search and Rescue disciplines. Over the years BSARD team members have certified in one or more of the following:
- Mantrailing
- Wilderness Area Search
- Human Remains Detection
- Advanced Human Remains Detection (sometimes called “Crime Scene HRD”)
- Human Remains Detection in Water
- Article (human scent on an item)
IPWDA’s certifications typically are active for two years from the date of the most recent test, and most include an obedience component and log review. Some have additional prerequisites and/or skills assessments. Training and certification events are held across the country throughout the year. Some are closed to certain sponsoring teams or organizations while others are more open. IPWDA has a national seminar, usually in the fall of each year.
(Our newest member, Jeannette Sinclair, still has active certifications from her previous service in southwestern Oregon, through their accreditation organization, the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association (OSSA). As these certification get closer to expiring she and her dogs will continue certifying, now through IPWDA.)
For a list of current in-force certifications for BSARD Staff and K9’s, contact us at our non-emergency phone number (513-683-5785) or via email at genmgr@buckeyesardogs.org. (Please do not use this email address for emergency requests, as it is not constantly monitored. Instead call the emergency telephone number at the top of the page.)