There are many fine books, articles, and other resources available about the various aspects of K9 Search and Rescue. There are also some that miss the mark. In many cases the distinction is up to the reader; whether a resource fits their particular situation. For example, a handler who wrote a book about how they trained a German Shepherd Dog to search in the Rocky Mountains may be of lesser value to the Bloodhounder who lives in Louisiana.
However, even materials that don’t speak to one’s particular situation often have useful information. There are commonalities in training methods and search techniques, new observations of how scent reacts to particular atmospheric and topographical conditions, and so forth, that may be of value to even the most experienced handler.
New material is continually coming into circulation, so check your favorite search engine often.
Suggested Reading
Here are some resources that the members of BSARD feel have been useful in their careers. Most are available through your local library, your local bookstore, specialty bookstores like the NASAR bookstore, and internet resources.
- Scent And The Scenting Dog by William G. Syrotuck (4th ed.). ©2000, Barkleigh Productions.
- The Silent Witness: Scent by Bill Tolhurst. ©2000.
- Search and Rescue Dogs: Training Methods by The American Rescue Dog Association. ©1991, Maxwell Publishing.
- The Police Textbook for Dog Handlers by Bill Tolhurst. ©1991.
- Practical Scent Dog Training by Lou Button. ©1990, Alpine Publications.
- Ready! The Training of the Search and Rescue Dog by Susan Bulanda. ©1994, Doral Publishing.
- Cadaver Dog Handbook: Forensic Training for the Recovery of Human Remains by Andrew Rebmann, Edward David and Marcella H. Sorg. ©2000, CRC Press.
- So That Others May Live: Caroline Hebard & Her Search-And-Rescue Dogs by Hank Whittemore and Caroline Hebard. ©1995.
- Manhunters! – Hounds of the Big T by Bill Tolhurst. ©1984, Hound Dog Press.
- The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson. ©1996, James & Kenneth Publishers,.
- The Art of Raising a Puppy by The Monks of New Skete. ©1991, Little, Brown and Company.
- Mother Knows Best: The Natural Way to Train Your Dog by Carol Lea Benjamin. ©1985.
- Dog Speak by Bash Dibra with Mary Ann Crenshaw. ©1999, Simon & Schuster.
Other Useful Links
- A good general dog information web site is the American Kennel Club at akc.com.
- A list of emergency animal hospitals across the US from EmergencyVetsUSA.com.
- Travelling with your dog from PetsWelcome.com and TripBuzz.com.
- Making a canine first-aid kit from the CanisMajor.com.